Vemma boasts that its Mangosteen Plus and Essential Minerals liquid supplement package gives the entire realm of vitamins and minerals in the drink. This gives them the advantage over other juices and similar drinks on the market in that they are the all components needed for healthy, full nutrition. This is the strongest part of their marketing strategy, as the rest of the products on the market are referred to as “just juice,” with Vemma’s Mangosteen Plus being the complete supplementary product along with Essential Minerals. Mangosteen Plus is their most popular seller with the combination of delicious Mangosteen juice, green tea, and aloe vera along with other nutrients. Marketed as having over 12 vital vitamins, Mangosteen Plus is heavily pushed as their front-runner in the Vemma Nutritional Plan along with the Essential Minerals package. This is all a part of their lucrative marketing prospect that enables Vemma to garner large profits from the sale of this beverage and supplement.
The First Round of Vemma: Mangosteen Plus