The medicinal benefits are found in Xanthones. They are a natural ingredient found in the Mangosteen fruit's rind. Xanthones are one of the most potent antioxidants in a class of polyphenolic compounds that usually crop up in plants and have been shown to have wide-ranging biological and pharmacological activities.
The outer rind of the mangosteen fruit is thick and purple. It contains bitter latex, and the purple juice is a permanent dye. This outer rind is also the richest source of healthful xanthones in the world. Mangosteen fruit has over 40 different xanthones.
This is one of the reasons why mangosteen fruit is so dear to acquire in America as most of it has to be imported from nations that can keep up the natural growth of these trees, countries like Thailand and Indonesia. One other explanation why mangosteen fruit is so luxurious is for the reason that it is one of the hardest fruits to cultivate. on the whole, all conditions must be perfect to shoot out their flowers..
Mangosteen fruits have two parts: the white center fruit, and the purple outer hull. The white center fruit is divided into sections, and there is one section for each triangle in the remaining blossom. The white part of the fruit is cherished for its flavor. Some individuals feel that it is the most appetizing fruit in the world.
The antioxidants found in Mangosteen fruits are chemical substances that provide an electron to a free radical and converting it to a molecule that is nontoxic.
Antioxidants stop free radicals from damaging blood vessel membranes. This helps the flow of blood to the heart and brain and can fight cancer above other diseases.
Aside from its much hyped medicinal benefits, its taste is almost certainly the most wonderful factor of the mangosteen fruit. It is really quite too awful for words. It has been compared to the taste of vanilla, strawberry, peach, grapes and grapefruit.